Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AnCoMS – Annual Conference for Muslim Scholar</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Konferensi yang diaadakan Kopertais Wilyah IV setiap tahun, mengupas tentang kajian-kajian keislaman dan multidisipliner, konferensi ini pertama dilaksanakan pada tahun 2017;<br>Karya-karya pemikiran intelektual muslim dalam merespons perubahan dunia masih sangat dinantikan, terutama produk pemikiran ilmiah dengan basis nilai-nilai keislaman.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">AnCoMS dapat diakses di laman : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>PROCEEDINGS AnCoMS</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">PROCEEDINGS AnCoMS, Publikasi artikel dari hasil konferensi dan diterbitkan melalui CETAK, dan menggunakan ISBN; Terbitan pertama 2017 dan kedua 2018; artikel yang dionline kan ini bertujuan memudahkan pembaca dan penulis untuk mengakses artikel secara during dan memudahkan untuk diunduh serta disebarluaskan.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Mulai Terbitan Ke TIGA tahun 2019 ini diterbitkan secara during (online) terdaftar di E-ISSN.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Tema dalam prosiding ini meliputi bidang-bidang sebagai berikut:</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">1. Islamic Thought<br>2. Islamic Education<br>3. Communication<br>4. Islamic Law<br>5. Islamic Culture and Civilization<br>6. Islamic Economic<br>7. Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Prosiding AnCoMS dapat diakses di laman : <a href=""></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya en-US Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars 2716-3199 Exploration of Religious Moderation with Local Culture; A Case Study of the Samin Community of Bojonegoro <p>This research aims to explore how religious moderation is realized in the daily lives of the Samin Community of Bojonegoro. This research is qualitative, involving observations of the traditional life of the Samin community and in-depth interviews with local community leaders. The results of the research show several local wisdoms in the Samin Bojonegoro community: ngelmu iku sejatine dhewe, ngudi ilmu, ponco soco, ngluruk tanpa rupo, nyawiji sepi ing pamrih, nyawiji ngluruk, ngganem sepi ing ngluruk, and ngalembono. The results of the analysis reveal that local culture plays an important role in forming and maintaining religious moderation among the Samin Bojonegoro community. Customs and traditions are a strong foundation for tolerance between religious communities, thereby creating harmony amidst the diversity of beliefs. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the balance between religious moderation and local culture, thereby providing new insights for researchers, practitioners, and readers interested in this field. It is hoped that this study will make a positive contribution to supporting a better understanding of religious moderation in the local context, with a special focus on the unique experiences of the Samin community.</p> Nanang Setiawan Abdul Khamid Muhammad Miftakhul Huda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 1 14 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.469 Integrating Religious Moderation and Local Cultural Preservation: The Synergy of Islamic Education and Sufism at Pesantren Tebuireng <p>This article discusses the importance of integrating religious moderation and the preservation of local culture in the context of Pesantren Tebuireng. Through an approach that combines Islamic education and Sufi values, this article reveals how the synergy between the two can shape a more moderate understanding of religion while simultaneously preserving and nurturing local cultural richness. The article explains how Pesantren Tebuireng, as an Islamic educational institution, has successfully harmonized the practice of religious moderation with the preservation of local cultural values through the teachings of Sufism. Using literature analysis and case studies, we identify how this integration influences the understanding of religion and supports the preservation of local culture. The research results indicate that this approach helps shape individuals who practice religion in a moderate way while promoting the preservation of a rich local culture. The integration of Islamic education and Sufi teachings paves the way for improved interfaith dialogue and understanding. This article provides insights into how these practices can be applied in other locations to achieve harmony between religion and culture.</p> Jasminto Jasminto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 15 27 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.470 Analisis Krisis Kebudayaan, Sosial Islam dan Implikasinya pada Pendidikan Masyarakat <p>One concept that is attracting a lot of attention in current discussions in our country is the concept of analysis of the Islamic social cultural crisis and its implications for public education. In doing good deeds, each region in the world has its own characteristics. These customs then experienced a mixture with Islamic traditions which ultimately created harmony without abandoning the applicable sharia. Acculturation of local culture with Islamic culture also occurs in Barongsawahan Village, Bandarkedungmulyo District, Jombang Regency, East Java. The people of Barongsawahan Village have a number of customs related to Islam which still survive to this day. Traditionally, residents hold an apem gerebeg before starting fasting, thousands of apem cakes are paraded to the Jombang city square and distributed to local residents. The apem cake is believed to be a symbol of asking for forgiveness from the Creator, that is not the only thing that attracts the residents of Barongsawahan village, some of them perform tarawih prayers at 21.00 - this is done by Muhammadiyah people and the tradition of eating together and visiting graves after the Eid prayer, the Id prayer itself was held in the Jayan Hamlet field, Bandar Kedungmulyo Village.</p> Galuh Dwi Purwasih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 28 34 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.471 Moderasi Beragama: Philantropy Ekonomi Islam Melalui Kepatuhan Zakat Hasil Laut di Pesisir Lamongan <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the coastal communities of Lamongan reflect compliance in paying zakat on marine products as a form of Islamic economic philanthropy in reflecting religious moderation. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the type of case study in the Fisherman's Association of Kranji Village, Paciran District, Lamongan Regency. in the Fishermen Association of Kranji Village, Paciran District, Lamongan Regency. The result of the research is religious moderation, one of which can be realized by Islamic Economic philanthropy carried out by the Lamongan coastal community Compliance in paying zakat on existing marine products is divided into 3 (Three) Types: (1) Zakat is paid with the analogy of Zakat (2.5%).2.5% (2) Zakat is paid with a special calculation (the fishermen themselves determine the calculation on the basis of their income). calculation (calculation determined by the fishermen themselves on the basis of income earned is not (3) Zakat is paid with voluntary calculations (large/small income is always set aside for zakat or alms).</p> Eny Latifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 35 46 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.473 Syair Berbahasa Persia dalam Kitab Ta’lim Al-Muta’allim <p>Numerous studies have been conducted regarding the poems found in Burhān ad-Dīn az-Zarnūjī’s book entitled Ta‘līm al-Muta‘allim, yet none of them specifically investigate a Persian poem within the book. Furthermore, the composition of this Persian poem, particularly in printed copies of Ta‘līm al-Muta‘allim circulated in Indonesia, supposedly has errors in its encryption making them not easy to read and to translate literally. The purpose of this research is to uncover these encryption inaccuracies and to explore ways to accurately read and translate them, enabling the readers in Indonesia, especially readers in the pesantren community, to be aware of these encryption errors and to read them correctly. The research employs library research method, underpins a qualitative approach, and uses the analytical model offered by Merriam and Tisdell. This investigation has disclosed that nearly all printed versions of Ta‘līm al-Muta‘allim contain wrong renditions of the Persian poem, with the exception of those printed in Istanbul and Karachi. The encryption errors consist of (1) inaccuracies in writing letters, (2) misplacements of spacing, and (3) errors in diacritical marks of vowels.</p> Muhammad Hilal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 47 62 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.507 Integrasi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Pendidikan Inklusif di MTs Negeri 3 Ponorogo <p>The study examines the incorporation of religious moderation values into inclusive education at MTs Negeri 3 Ponorogo. The research focuses on implementing these values in inclusive educational practices. The research aims to explore the impact of integrating religious moderation values on fostering a tolerant and harmonious school atmosphere. Employing a qualitative approach with interviews, participatory observations, and document analysis, the study reveals the success of MTs Negeri 3 Ponorogo in integrating religious moderation values into inclusive education. This is evident in activities such as socialization sessions, the selection of a Modis (Religious Moderation) Ambassador, mosque tilik activities emphasizing care for places of worship, and classroom learning approaches embedded in the context of religious moderation. The discussion outlines research findings, underscoring the success of integrating religious moderation values in shaping an inclusive educational environment that supports tolerance and harmony. In conclusion, the implementation of religious moderation values in MTs Negeri 3 Ponorogo positively influences the development of a more harmonious and inclusive school community.</p> Ratna Utami Nur Ajizah Khalis Zamrani Putra Wafda Khoirul Anam ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 63 76 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.475 Konstruksi Sikap Moderat Berbasis Ruang Sosial di Desa Besowo Kepung Kediri <p>This research aims to determine local values ​​of moderate attitudes and the construction process in Besowo Village, Kepung District, Kediri Regency. This research has a qualitative approach and case study type. Data collection techniques include in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that there are several local values ​​of moderate attitudes such as understanding each other, respecting each other, accepting each other, working together for the common good, and not interfering in the worship activities of other people. The construction process begins internally religious community, supported by village government regulations, and religious communities are always involved in social activities in Besowo Village.</p> Moh. Irmawan Jauhari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 77 84 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.476 Penguatan Nial-Nilai Moderasi Melalui Konsep Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin di Era Four Point Zero <p>This research aims to increase the values ​​of Moderation in an effort to establish the principle of religious tolerance as a good national and state commitment in the real world and on social media. Using narrative-based descriptive qualitative methods. To foster a spirit of unity to become a developed country from various aspects, requires a spirit of nationalism and patriotism. Thus, society must be equipped with the Islamic concept of Rahmatan lil Alamin as an effort to form the principles of a tolerant society in everyday life and on social media.Conclusion: The Islamic concept of Rahmatan lil alamin is very effective in forming the character of a moderate and tolerant society between religious communities, supported by 4 moderate attitudes, namely, first, moderate towards the world of the afterlife, second, moderate towards fanaticism, third, moderate prejudice, good and bad, fourth, moderate optimism and psychism.</p> Hosaini Hosaini Syamsun Ni'am Rohiqi Mahtum ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 85 93 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.479 Model Moderasi Beragama Melalui Tradisi Grebeg Suro di Desa Gedangsewu Pare Kediri <p>This study investigates religious moderation through the Glebeg Suro tradition in Gedanseu, Palle Kediri province. This cultural festival, which is an annual event of various religious groups, is analyzed using an ethnographic approach using field observations and in-depth interviews. Research shows that Grebeg Sulo has emerged as more than just a local cultural festival, but as an example of religious moderation. Participants from different religious backgrounds actively contribute, promoting tolerance and unity in diversity. The results highlighted Grebeg Slough as an effective model of religious moderation within the community.This implication suggests that this book may serve as an inspiration for promoting moderation and interreligious harmony in various regions. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature on the role of local cultural traditions in promoting tolerance and interreligious harmony, while also highlighting the wider applicability of this tradition. Grebeg Suro system outside the local context.</p> Mochamad Chairudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 94 105 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.508 Development of a Social Reconstruction Curriculum Based on Religious Moderation in Madrasah Aliah Negeri Throughout East Java <p>Madrasah Aliah Negeri (MAN) 1 Tulungagung is an Islamic educational institution that prioritizes balance with current developments and the social environment of the community. MAN 1 Tulungagung vision and mission, namely the realization of a generation of Muslims who are intelligent, superior in science and technology, have good morals, and have an environmental culture. Research at MAN 1 Tulungagung aims to determine the formulation of the development of religious moderation values and the effectiveness of developing religious moderation values. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of field research. The results showed that the values of religious moderation were developed by a team of religious moderation values developers, moderation experts, and madrasa heads. The development of religious moderation values results in tolerance, moderation, balance, uprightness, freedom of worship, and moral orientation of al-karimah. While the effectiveness of developing religious moderation values can be measured from; level of knowledge of moderation, understanding, awareness, moderate activity, and implementation of moderation.</p> Tri Prasetiyo Utomo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 106 118 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.478 Assessing Halal Awareness Through Construction of Moderate to The Availability of Products and Sharia Services Performance <p>This misunderstanding regarding the meaning of moderation in religion has implications for the emergence of antipathetic attitudes in society towards caring for halal products, which is only focused on Islamic communities. This has an impact on the phenomenon of the 'basket foreign products' movement, which, in fact, is non-Muslim as if it has become a scourge of 'custom' towards the sacred quality of certified halal products in Indonesia. This bias impacts the performance of retail stores that are committed to providing products that are halal-certified. Even though the construction of a halal guarantee is a 'final thing' and moderated for all groups (including non-Muslims) through concern for halal products as a guarantee that the shop is committed to the halal industrial movement. This urgency requires an assessment and strategy for store performance so that it does not impact the availability of halal products and ensures a competitive advantage for all Muslim and non-Muslim communities in the future. This research was designed with a halal value approach through SOAR Analysis to realize awareness of halal value status and as a competitive advantage for store performance with the principle of moderation. This research hopes to create halal awareness, provide full guarantees, and be able to adapt well and give input to stakeholders</p> Moch Mahsun Narto Narto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 7 1 119 129 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.480 Penerapan Pembelajaran hifz al Nafs Berbasis Maqashid al Syari’ah di Pondok Pesantren Malang <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The application of student learning, when viewed from the perspective of maqashid al-syari'ah at the level of human needs in the context of students, namely eating, drinking, exercising and maintaining cleanliness, are included in the primary category (dlaruriyat), while eating three times and exercising twice a week is included in secondary needs. (hajiyat) Alternatively, it can be called tertiary needs (tahsiniyat). Among these learning activities were carried out at the Pondok Pesantren Shirothul Fuqoha' Salafiyah. This research aims to determine the application of hifz al nafs learning based on maqashid al-syari’ah at the Pondok Pesantren Shirothul Fuqoha' Salafiyah in Malang. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Observation, interviews and documentation carried out data collection. The source of research data in this study is the manager in the sense of the administrator of the Pondok Pesantren Shirothul Fuqoha' Salafiyah of Malang. The results of this research at the Pondok Pesantren Shirothul Fuqoha' Salafiyah of Malang. have been running in accordance with the theory contained in the maqashid al-syari’ah, namely hifz al nafs in the form of Pondok Pesantren meals, daily and weekly picketing, the existence of health post facilities, then sports and gymnastics. This learning activity is carried out using a direct learning model and regular habituation so that the students get used to these activities, which are included in the context of protecting their souls and those of others.</em></p> Muhammad Husni Ahmad Sunhaji ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 7 1 130 148 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.468 Strengthening the Value of Religious Moderation Based on Local Wisdom at Islamic Basic Education Institutions in Kediri <p>Local wisdom in each region can be a source of strength to strengthen religious moderation. The values of local wisdom must be strengthened again in Islamic educational institutions in order to form students who have a high sense of humanity and form a generation that respects each other and lives in harmony. MIN 2 Doko Kediri is one of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri that has implemented the value of local wisdom of religious moderation in programs and activities carried out in Madrasah. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of religious moderation reflected in local wisdom in MIN 2 Doko Kediri. This research method is qualitative, interview data collection techniques, observation and documentation. The results and discussion will discuss the strengthening of the value of religious moderation based on local wisdom in Madrasah. The conclusion in this study is that there are four strengthening values of religious moderation which are reflected in the attitudes of tolerance, love of the motherland, love of culture, and love of peace formed in programs and activities in Madrasah.</p> Marita Lailia Rahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 7 1 149 155 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.472 Implementasi Indikator Moderasi Beragama Pada Kearifan Lokal Paguyuban Mejing Tabon Yogyakarta untuk Mewujudkan SDG’s United Nations <p>The Mejing Tabon Community consists of people with diverse religious backgrounds. Local wisdom is needed to maintain harmony amidst religious heterogeneity, which contains moderate indicators. This local wisdom is one of the unifying factors of the Mejing Tabon Community Association to avoid social conflict. This aligns with SDG's 16, which focuses on advancing peace and justice. Therefore, this research aims to explain the application of religious moderation indicators in the local wisdom of Mejing Tabon so that it contributes to achieving the SDGs. This research uses qualitative methods with a sociological approach. As for the results of this research, there are four indicators of religious moderation, namely National Commitment, Tolerance, Non-Violence, and Acceptance of Tradition, which have been reflected in the local wisdom of the 5 Principal Calendars implemented yearly. Thus, this local wisdom also contributes to achieving National and Global Targets related to Peace and Justice.</p> Aridlah Sendy Robikhah Azza Abidatin Bettaliyah Arindah Oktavianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 7 1 156 168 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.481 Moderasi Beragama: Perkokoh Persatuan dan Kesatuan Bangsa <p>Abstract: The diversity of the Indonesian nation is a necessity that cannot be avoided; the diversity of ethnicities, cultures and religious differences is unique to the Indonesian nation; however, with the existence of differences, conflict and friction are things that are inevitable in this nation, because That understanding of religious moderation to strengthen the nation is an absolute thing for the government to do as an effort to maintain the unity of this nation. The purpose of this writing is to discuss the concept of religious moderation in strengthening national unity; the method used is a literature review; this study concludes that it is needed to understand the values of religious moderation, namely being middle, not extreme, perpendicular, tolerance, deliberation, pioneering, improvement, love of the country, anti-corruption, respect for culture at all levels of society so that harmonization of national and national life can be achieved. Support is needed from the government, religious leaders, and educational institutions to socialize and develop religious moderation in society so that peace and harmony can be realized in living life</p> Miftakhul Muthoharoh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 7 1 169 175 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.482 Literacy Culture as a Reinforcement of Tolerance Character Through The Stories of Prophet Muhammad SAW : an Effort to Promote Religious Moderation at The Level of Elementary School <p>Literacy programs is a crucial movement education, particularly at the level of elementary school. By reading we gaining new knowledge. Literacy culture can be an effort to strengthen the character of tolerance, especially through stories of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The life stories of Prophet Muhammad SAW offer valuable insights into core values such as mutual respect, honor, and understanding. These stories can be studied through various media, such as books, stories and films. Religious moderation, involving a balanced understanding and practice of faith, is an integral aspect of character development. The promotion of tolerance character through literacy initiatives becomes a key facilitator in achieving this goal. This research adopts the literature research. This Method to comprehensively explore emerging phenomena. The research process entails collecting data and information from diverse sources, including books, journals, notes, articles, and other relevant materials related to the subject under investigation. The research findings indicate that : at the elementary school level, the implementation of literacy programs, such as the “Gerakan Literasi Sekolah”&nbsp; (GLS), encompasses activities like reading and analyzing the stories of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Additionally, students engage in watching films or videos portraying the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW, enabling them to extract value lessons and emulate his character, particularly in interactions with Nasrani and the Quraishy community. Efforts to fortify tolerance character through literacy culture play a pivotal role in helping students internalize and apply these values in their daily lives. This initiative is paramount for fostering a harmonious and peaceful societal coexistence.</p> Giska Enny Fauziah Fauziah Nafilah Na’imatul Aliyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 7 1 176 184 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.483 Kontribusi Warisan Nilai-Nilai Kerajaan Islam Terhadap Pembentukan Pancasila di Nusantara <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Pancasila is the Republic of Indonesia's fundamental philosophy. Before entering the colonial period, it formed and molded from many characteristics and influences of the Islamic Kingdom. The rise of the Islamic Kingdom had an impact on the values of Indonesian society. This research focuses on the legacy of Islamic Kingdom values in the establishment of Pancasila in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to examine the creation of Pancasila through the lens of the Islamic Kingdom's heritage values in the archipelago/Indonesia. This is a qualitative method with a historical study, the data taken from some literature and historical book. As a result, the principles of social life throughout the Islamic Kingdom influenced each precept. There were numerous forms of Pancasila value creation, resulting in a synthesis of the values inherited by the Islamic Kingdom in the formation of the state ideology, namely is Pancasila.</em></p> Yunita Wulandari Khurun’in Zahro’ Akmal Hidayah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 7 1 185 195 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.484 Internalisasi Pendidikan Nilai Kemandirian dan Moderasi di Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan <p><span lang="EN-US">Pondok Pesantren </span><span lang="IN">and scientific networks cannot be separated from the role of a kiai. A scientific network based on spiritual factors makes </span><span lang="EN-US">Pondok Pesantren </span><span lang="IN">and kiai role models for society. This research aims to describe the education of the values of independence and moderation at the </span><span lang="EN-US">Pondok Pesantren </span><span lang="IN">Sunan Drajat Lamongan. The focus of this research is the process of instilling educational values of independence and moderation which is still ongoing at the </span><span lang="EN-US">Pondok Pesantren </span><span lang="IN">Sunan Drajat Lamongan. Sources of informants include caregivers, family caregivers, students, </span><span lang="EN-US">Pondok Pesantren </span><span lang="IN">administrators, foundation administrators, dormitory administrators, informal institution administrators, formal institution administrators, regional organization administrators, alumni and the surrounding community. The results of the research show that instilling educational values of independence and moderation starts from habituation activities carried out in daily life at </span><span lang="EN-US">Pondok Pesantren</span><span lang="IN">. Instilling the values of independence and moderation begins with increasing awareness and vigilance in social life in the </span><span lang="EN-US">Pondok Pesantren </span><span lang="IN">environment</span></p> Miftachul Ulum Abdul Mun’im ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 7 1 196 205 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.485 Fikih Kebangsaan: Sebagai Formulasi Penguatan Moderasi Beragama dan Aplikasinya di Era Digital <p>This paper attempts to explain national fiqh as a formulation for strengthening religious moderation in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, but has ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity. Conflicts with racial and religious nuances are sought to be prevented as early as possible by presenting the formulation of national fiqh and its implementation in a sustainable manner. National fiqh is knowledge of religious laws and nationalism produced by ijtihad which is extracted from primary sources of Islamic law. This kind of fiqh prioritizes the human aspect, respects and appreciates diversity, because it exists in a pluralistic reality. This is of course in line with the teachings of Islam. The author also relates this study to a phenomenological approach. From this phenomenological approach, it can be understood that human actions that seek to apply National Jurisprudence and he can respect diversity on the grounds that it is ruled by religion and the State, thus bringing real harmony and happiness are meaningful actions. This is in accordance with the perspective of moderate Islam that is developing in Indonesia. Especially in the digital era, it is necessary to apply national fiqh in order to realize religious moderation in a sustainable manner.</p> Muhammad Solikhudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 7 1 206 226 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.486 Budaya Lokal Karawitan: Integrasi Nilai-nilai Islam dan Moderasi Beragama <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Karawitan is a local Indonesian cultural heritage that has high aesthetic values. During its development, Karawitan culture has also experienced integration with Islamic values and religious moderation. This research aims to explore this integration and its impact on the development of Karawitan art.&nbsp;</em><em>This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on literature analysis, documentation, and interviews with Karawitan art experts. The research results show that the integration of Islamic values in Karawitan not only changes the musical aspect, but also creates a new dimension that combines traditional aesthetic values with Islamic teachings and religious moderation.&nbsp;</em><em>Karawitan which is integrated with Islamic values and religious moderation makes a positive contribution in enriching the cultural diversity of Indonesian society. The implications of these findings can provide direction for artists, researchers and observers to continue to develop and preserve local culture by paying attention to religious values and religious moderation.</em></p> Ahmad Aly Syukron Aziz Al Mubarok ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 7 1 227 236 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.487 Membangun Sikap Moderat Berbasis Nilai Pesantren di Pesantren Al Islah Bondowoso <p>The focus of the research in this article is to find out and analyze the cultural values of Islamic boarding schools in shaping the moderate character of students, and the conditioning carried out. The method used is a qualitative approach and a case study type of research. Data collection techniques include walking, in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques are carried out by condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research state that the Islamic boarding school cultural values at the Al-Islah Bondowoso Islamic Boarding School are a combination of Tasamuh, Tawazun, I'tidal, Tawasuth, and Standing Above All Groups. Where this value was adopted from the Gontor Islamic Boarding School. Conditioning is carried out in several ways, namely the students are placed in multicultural rooms and not only from one region, communication uses Arabic and English, use of social space to strengthen moderate character, and the example of Kyai and ustadz.</p> Miftahus Salam ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 237 243 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.488 Program Pengabdian, Service Learning Ala Pondok Pesantren Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang dalam Pembentukan Sikap Moderat Santri <p>This study describes the implementation of a service learning program at Al Urwatul Wutsqo Islamic Boarding School as a form of community service for the students. Utilizing a qualitative case study approach and collecting data through interviews and documents, the research findings indicate that the program has followed ideal procedures. However, there is a need to improve the monitoring and evaluation system for better structure. Service learning has proven effective in shaping the religious moderation character of the students, focusing on providing moderation education, group interactions, community service in diverse settings, and reflective learning. The primary recommendation involves enhancing the capacity of field supervisors and partner institutions to maximize their facilitating role in developing students' moderation. Despite some weaknesses in the evaluation, the conclusion affirms that the program successfully imparts religious moderation values through direct experiences in the community.Program Pengabdian, Service Learning Ala Pondok Pesantren Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang dalam Pembentukan Sikap Moderat Santri</p> Moch. Sya’roni Hasan Mar’atul Azizah Beny Sintasari Solechan Solechan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 244 253 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.489 Implementasi Pendidikan Multikultural Melalui Kegiatan Kirab Budaya di Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo <p>Multicultural education seeks to teach diversity, one of which is through Islamic boarding school culture in the form of Islamic boarding school rules, habits or routine activities. Research objective: to analyze a planning, implementation and evaluation process of multicultural education at the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School Ngabar Ponorogo. Qualitative research method with case studies. Research results: Multicultural education planning through working meetings at beginning of new school year; the implementation of Multicultural education is determined and implemented in the forum for introducing new students (ta'aruf) at the Khutbatul Iftitah or commonly referred to as the introduction week for new students at the Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic boarding school, precisely after the end of the Ramdhan and Shawwal holidays; The evaluation process is carried out at every leadership meeting and institutional meeting. The planning, implementation and evaluation process is part of the management tasks of Islamic education, both formal and non-formal, and within the scope of Islamic boarding schools. Multicultural education in Islamic schools is education for cultural diversity which has the urgency of implementing an attitude of tolerance and mutual respect for differences.</p> Yuli Umro'atin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 254 262 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.490 Pernikahan Adat Suku Sasak dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam <p>Marriage law in Islam regulates human life in giving vent to their sexual desires in the right way so that their descendants can be maintained and becomes dignified creatures. Some community have own procedures for the marriage process. The research which was carried out in Teruwai, Pujut, Central Lombok, NTB, was aimed to describe the marriage process of Sasak Islamic community from an Islamic law perspective. This research used qualitative method. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The results were found: the way of Sasak Islamic community in Teruwai marriage is begun with Midang and Memariq which in Islam is known as Ta'aruf and Khitbah. Followed by Mangan Merangkat, Selabaran, Bait Wali, and Betikah/Bekawin, namely implementation of the marriage contract, and closing with the Roah Tradition, Sorong Serah aji Krame, Nyongkolan, Bales Ones Nae or walimatul 'Ursy in Islam.</p> Qurrotul Ainiyah Mira Aryani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 263 275 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.491 Exploring The History of Islam in Java Through The Wayang Tengul Art of Bojonegoro <p>This research aims to preserve the local culture of the Indonesian people and can be a learning medium to introduce the history of the development of Islam to the nation's generations. Moreover, currently many opinions are emerging regarding the prohibition of using wayang, even though the Wali Songo in spreading Islam in Indonesia also uses the medium of wayang. This research is qualitative, involving in-depth interviews with Wayang characters as well as continuous observation and analysis with the aim of obtaining valid data. The results of the research reveal that Wayang Tengul can be a medium for introducing the history of the development of Islam in Indonesia and plays an important role in establishing and maintaining religious moderation among the people of Bojonegoro Regency. It is hoped that this research can increase knowledge literacy about local culture and develop insight into religious moderation in Indonesia.</p> Abdul Khamid Nanang Setiawan Muhammad Miftakhul Huda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 276 287 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.492 Implementasi Moderasi Beragama dalam Menangani Perbedaan Pandangan dan Sikap Civitas Akademika <p>This research aims to determine the application of religious moderation in managing differences of opinion and attitudes among the academic community. Religious moderation is an approach that prioritizes dialogue, tolerance and respect for differences in religious life. This research uses a qualitative approach by analyzing data from interviews with the academic community, observations, and literature reviews related to religious moderation practices. Research findings show that the application of religious moderation to overcome differences of opinion and attitudes among the academic community can be achieved through a number of strategies. One solution is to create a space for open dialogue and discussion that encourages acceptance and respect for differences. Apart from that, involving the academic community in interfaith collaboration is also an effective way to increase understanding and tolerance between individuals. Implementing educational programs that prioritize cross-cultural understanding and cooperation will be an important step in maintaining peace and harmony in the academic environment. Additionally, it is important to involve relevant institutions and organizations in developing policies and regulations that support peaceful religious practices. This study contributes to understanding the importance of practicing religious moderation to address disparities in academic contexts. The results of this research can be a basis for developing more effective strategies to create an inclusive and harmonious environment for university communities with diverse religious backgrounds.</p> Muhammad Syaikon ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 288 299 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.493 Indonesia’s Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah Students: A Study of The Book of Fiqh and its Impacts on Their Behavior <p>Students who act in ways that are unethical and against the law often do so because of a lack of moral education, low religious value comprehension, environmental pressures, and the development of information and communication technology. This essay's objective is to assess the book's Fiqh and its effects on the behavior of students at the Muhammadiyah Modern Boarding School in Kediri and the NU Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School in Blitar. A mixed-methods strategy was used in this study; structured questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data, while structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews, non-participatory observation, and documentation were used to collect qualitative data. Using the ANOVA statistical analysis technique in SPSS 20.0, professionals assessed the construct validity and empirical validity. Condensing, displaying, and verifying qualitative data through the stages of analysis, as well as confirming the accuracy of the data through extending observations, stepping up persistence, triangulating, member checks, using reference materials, and having talks with coworkers. As a result of the study's findings, Students' behaviors at the NU Islamic Boarding School alter as a result of their study of the book of fiqh; nevertheless, students at the Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding Schools show no such changes as a result of their study of the book of fiqh. Students' respect for the Kiai, Ustadz/Ustadzah, friendliness toward others, discipline, tolerance, and the ability to restrain themselves from inappropriate and dishonorable behavior are all indications of the dynamics of changes in the students' behavior.</p> Putri Habibillah Mambaul Ngadhimah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 300 319 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.494 Internalisasi Jiwa Kepemimpinan Santri Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep <p>Islamic boarding school is an Islamic educational institution in Indonesia with different characteristics and education systems from other formal education. And one of the proofs of the difference is about improving the character of being ready to lead and ready to be led with the nuances of islamic teachings. This research is categorized in the form of descriptive qualitative research with the type of field research. To get the revelant data in this study. Researchers used three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The analysis uses data reduction, data presentation and data verification. So that in the research, getting conclusion, namely the al-amien Islamic boarding school, it was founded in 1952 AD. By kyai Jauhari Chotib, the sprit student leadership in cultivating a character is ready to lead and ready to be led by externalization, objectivity and internalization. Meanwhile, the activities that help in improving this character are student group leadership training, leadership and management training, basic scouting proficient courses, and student organizations. Also the supporting and inhibiting factors are because there are strengths and opportunities, as well as weaknesses and challenges.</p> Fajriyah Fajriyah Andri Sutrisno ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 320 329 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.495 Menggali Potensi Kearifan Lokal dalam Pembelajaran IPA: Peran Nilai Religius dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Mahasiswa <p>This research was conducted with 50 students majoring in Science Education at IAIN Kudus. The objectives of this study were: 1) to identify local wisdom as a source of science education, 2) to analyze the integration of religious values in science education, and 3) to examine how the integration of local wisdom and religious values can enhance students' conceptual understanding. This study employed a mixed-methods approach. The findings revealed that the students utilized local potential and traditional knowledge as learning resources in science education. Moreover, the students integrated religious values such as responsibility, environmental concern, and preservation into their learning process. The integration of local wisdom and religious values in science education provided a contextual learning experience that presented a comprehensive understanding of natural phenomena and facilitated inquiry-based learning to construct students' multidisciplinary understanding. In conclusion, local wisdom in science education serves as a valuable learning resource that instills religious values and enhances students' conceptual understanding.</p> Ulya Fawaida Zaenul Abidin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 330 339 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.496 Tradisi ‘Mupu’ Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Pengembangan Nilai Moderasi Beragama Dalam Upaya Pembentukan Keluarga Harmonis (Kajian Tafsir Maqashidi) <p>This research will take the object of the mupu tradition of 'mupu' or child adoption in framing religious moderation towards a harmonious family or Sakinah which is aligned with the views of the Koran. The aim of this research is to provide an explanation of the application of the principles of religious moderation which can be applied to frame a harmonious family through the 'mupu' tradition and the problems in implementing child adoption in terms of Islamic law contained in the Koran. The research uses qualitative research based on library research with the Maudhui interpretation method, the Maqasidi approach. The results of this research are first, that the practice of 'mupu' children can be used as a solution to overcome the problem of family disharmony for those who have the weakness of not having children by implementing tawasuth (the Middle Way) and shura or mutual consultation between husband and wife and family), secondly, it is forbidden for someone to name or call an adopted child to someone other than his father. However, it is permissible if this is due to someone's ignorance. Adoption or 'mupu' was already practiced by the Prophet Muhammad, namely adopting Zaid bin Haritsah as his own son.&nbsp;</p> Siti Fahimah Wakhidatun Nihlah Lubabah Diyanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 340 355 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.497 Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pengarusutamaan Moderasi Beragama di Sekolah <p>In the strengthening the discourse on character education, religious moderation, as well as overcoming radicalism and terrorism with religious nuances. So the importance of developing the PAI curriculum is directed at the formation of students' moderate religious understanding. especially at the school level in Sendang sub-district, especially SMP Negeri 1 Sendang Tulungagung, which has a plurality of religions and very diverse cultures and societal traditions.The Purpose of this research is first, to find out the planning for developing the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in mainstreaming religious moderation at SMP Negeri 01 Sendang. Secondly, to find out the implementation of the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in mainstreaming religious moderation at SMP Negeri 01 Sendang. this research use desciptive qualitative approach. The results of the research explain firstly: Planning for the development of an Islamic religious education curriculum in mainstreaming religious moderation at SMP Negeri 1 Sendang in an integrated manner based on Islamic and national values and integrating mastery of material or theory, practice and habituation of morals through uswatun hasanah.Second, the implementation of PAI curriculum development in mainstreaming religious moderation at SMP Negeri 1 Sendang is education and teaching of religious moderation in the classroom and outside the classroom through local cultural extracurricular activities and the habituation of Islamic religion.</p> M. Kholid Thohiri Dadang Sunarko ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 356 370 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.499 Islamic Economic Ethical Values and The Urgency of Work Ethic in Improving The Welfare of The Puger Kulon Coastal Community Jember <p>While coastal communities are often associated with wasteful lifestyles that rely solely on the sea, in Puger Kulon, coastal communities also prioritize a strong work ethic and adhere to Islamic economic principles in order to achieve prosperity in their daily lives. The purpose of this study is to present an overview and justification of the application of Islamic economic ethical norms and the necessity of work ethics in order to enhance the well-being of the coastal community of Puger Kulon. This research used a qualitative, live history/phenomenological research methodology, with the research subject utilizing a snowball as the research tool. The researcher examined data from multiple sources, with Mr. Slamet, Mr. Doni, Mr. Rozak, and Habib Isa Mahdi serving as the primary sources. This study's goal was to better understand Islamic economics' ethical principles and the critical role that work ethics play in enhancing the wellbeing of Puger Village's coastal inhabitants. Several findings from this study included the fact that fisherman received assistance from their wives in order to work during the off-season.</p> Ika Yunia Fauzia Kurniawan Ramadhani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 371 387 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.500 Moderasi Beragama Berbasis Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat NU dan Muhammadiyah di Kampung Kejawan Pesisir Suramadu Bangkalan Madura <p>This article explains religious moderation based on culture and local wisdom of the NU and Muhammadiyah communities on the Suramadu coast, Kejawan Village, Bangkalan, Madura. This article describes a portrait of local culture and wisdom that can strengthen the religious moderation of the coastal communities of Suramadu, Bangkalan Madura, there are several areas on the coast of Suramadu where the daily language is Javanese, or what is usually called Madurese Kejawan (Madureans who speak Javanese). Madurese Kejawan are native Madurese and not descendants of Javanese. This folklore, which is believed to have been passed down from generation to generation in the Madura Kejawan village, is the legacy of the Majapahit soldiers who lost the war and fled to Madura. Meanwhile, in the Kejawan village area, the community is based on NU and Muhammadiyah, according to the author's initial observations, they are harmonious and respect each other and appreciate differences. This portrait of moderation by NU and Muhammadiyah citizens must always be maintained for the next generations. The culture and local wisdom of the Madurese people who like to consider fellow Madurese as their own brothers "trettan dhibi'", giving charity and glorifying these guests, is something that makes the bonds of friendship between different people, whether it be different tribes or organizations, stronger. Such local wisdom must always be maintained and passed on to the next generation.</p> Umi Musya'adah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 7 1 388 394 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.502 The Internalization of Religious Moderation Values Towards The Youth Through Qurany Song in Jombang <p>This study was about internalization of religious moderation values to Jombang youth and Sufism poetry (Qur'any songs), the research was aimed to analyze the process of religious moderation internalization values to the youth through Sufism poetry (Qur'any songs). This research used qualitative case study. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation, the data then was analyzed using data display, condensation, and drawing conclusions. To test the validity of data, the researcher used sources and techniques triangulation. The result showed that the internalization of the religious moderation values was done through three stages, such as: transformation value was done through teaching poetry (Qur'anic songs) by holding regular recitations. The transaction value was done through explaining the meaning of the poetry content and the Trans internalization was conducted through practicing amaliyah of the poetry. The moderate values appeared were tawassuth, tasammuh, i'tidal, tawazzun and shidiq</p> Ali Mustofa Nurul Indana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 7 1 395 402 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.503 The Principle of Religious Moderation in Ibnu Arabi's Book Fushush Al Hikam <p>This article argues that there are princples of religious moderation in Fushus al Hikam written by Ibnu ‘Arabi. The principle is about universal norm that become the core in life with the beginning. Fushus al hikam contents is about names of prophet that we find philosophy of life. The explanation in Fushus is not too long and not too short. This is the moderation of the writing. Ibnu ‘Arabi also explain with moderate explanation in each section. He started with explanation of Adam prophet and Idris. The method of this article is hermeneutic. The author uses subjective interpretation stated by Heidegger. The contribution of this article is to make our counsciosness aware that we have to live with moderate vision of Islam.</p> Mahmudi Mahmudi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 7 1 403 406 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.504 Implementasi Nilai Budaya Lokal dan Moderasi Beragama Pada Anak Usia Dini Di Tk Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Widodaren Ngawi <p>Moderat sejak dini merupakan salah satu tujuan utama menyadarkan penanaman moderasi beragama sejak anak-anak adalah keniscayaan. Sebab keragaman kehidupan di Indonesia membutuhkan pondasi yang kokoh agar tak mudah dirusak pihak-pihak tertentu. Atas dasar itu, penanaman moderasi beragama bagi anak-anak TK sudah tepat dan sangat strategis. Anak TK ini bisa dibilang masih murni sehingga lebih mudah untuk diajarkan hal-hal yang bersifat kebaikan antarsesama. Anak-anak bisa matang karakternya karena ada kebiasaan yang diajarkan. Moderasi beragama merupakan program prioritas yang dikembangkan oleh kementrian agama. Oleh karenanya, semangat moderat sejak usia dini ini perlu dikembangkan dengan berbagai pendekatan dengan menyesuaikan fase perkembangan anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana internalisasi nilai budaya lokal dan moderasi beragama yang diterapkan pada anak usia dini di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal di wilayah Widodaren, Ngawi. Untuk mengetahui hasil implementasi nilai budaya lokal dan moderasi beragama pada anak usia dini di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal di wilayah Widodaren Ngawi. Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis kualitatif studi etnografi dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di empat lembaga pendidikan TK Bustanul Athfal di wilayah Widodaren Ngawi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi nilai budaya lokal dan moderasi beragama pertama melalui kontekstualiasi nalar moderat. Dalam kaitan ini, sembilan nilai moderasi beragama dapat diramu dalam konteks kurikulum dan non-kurikulum untuk menjadi praktik baik yang menekankan peserta didik agar mampu membangun hubungan sosial dan hubungan dengan lingkungan serta masyarakat sekitar dengan baik dan sewajarnya, sesuai perkembangan dan fase pertumbuhan mereka. Kedua, implementasi moderasi beragama pada peserta didik PAUD dan TK perlu ditempuh dengan penekanan pada orientasi pengutamaan praktik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di lembaga pendidikan dengan metode learning by doing. Harapan peneliti berikutnya membahas penekanan penguatan nilai budaya lokal dan moderasi beragama pada anak usia dini.</p> Muwahidah Nurhasanah Trisiyani Trisiyani Agus Sriyanto Syarifah Syarifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 7 1 407 416 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.511 Implementasi Prinsip-Prinsip Hukum dalam Membangun Harmonisasi Beragama Melalui Kearifan Lokal <p>The research object is the implementation of legal principles in building religious harmonization using local wisdom as the main approach and utilized to strengthen inter-religious harmony. The aim of this research is to explore the role of legal principles in Islam and local wisdom values in strengthening harmony between religious communities. The research method used is normative analysis, involving a study of Islamic legal literature and relevant local wisdom documents. The research results show that the principles of Islamic law can be integrated with local wisdom values to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding between religious believers. The discussion highlighted the importance of active community involvement in strengthening the implementation of legal principles and local wisdom in creating sustainable religious harmonization. The conclusion of this research underlines that collaboration between legal principles and local wisdom is a crucial step in efforts to build inclusive and sustainable religious harmonization.</p> Sri Warjiyati Zeti Nofita Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 7 1 417 427 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.512 Relevansi Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Dalam Pembentukan Santri Yang Moderat <p>This research aims to explain and identify the relevance of local wisdom values in the process of forming moderate santri character. Education in Islamic boarding schools, as traditional Islamic educational institutions, has a very important role in shaping the character of students. This article discusses the importance of understanding local wisdom values and how these values can contribute to producing students who have moderate character. The research method used is literature study or literature study. The research results show that local wisdom values such as mutual cooperation, local wisdom and social norms have a strong relevance in forming the moderate character of santri. These values help students develop attitudes of tolerance, independence and a sense of responsibility. This article also outlines several efforts that can be made by Islamic boarding schools and educators to strengthen the role of local wisdom values in Islamic boarding school education. By combining moderate Islamic teachings and local wisdom values, Islamic boarding schools can become effective educational institutions in shaping the character of students who are moderate and contribute positively to society</p> Siti Yumnah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 7 1 428 439 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.513 Use of Social Media to Improve Religious Moderation Among Youth <p>Indonesia consists of various tribes that have cultural, racial and religious diversity. The diversity of the Indonesian nation has proven to be a strong foundation for development. Social media has proven to be a powerful tool in various social movements. Social media also has the potential to be a driver of paradigm change. Fahrudin Faiz's YouTube content which contains life and religious motivation can be used as an alternative solution.The purpose of this research is to determine the use of social media to increase audience religious moderation. The theory used is the Elaboration Likelihood Model, explaining how a message can change attitudes (or produce resistance to change) by making someone think hard about the points made (using central processing). This research uses the case study method of Fahrudin Faiz's YouTube content. Data was collected through interviews with UPI YAI Jakarta students. The research results showed that the informants after watching Fahrudin Faiz's YouTube content gained additional insight into religious moderation and motivation which was useful when they had to face problems in their lives.</p> Susi Yunarti Dian Harmaningsih Wijayanti Wijayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 7 1 440 450 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.515 Religious Moderation In Economic Sharia For Developing Welfare's People <p>Excessive fanatical diversity is one of the problems in Indonesia if adherents of a religion that has it gives rise to radicalism, which often carries out violent movements such as: hate speech, attacks, kidnappings, suicide bombings, and so on. Extremist ideology (ghuluw) is not in accordance with the concept of Islam, because it eliminates harmony in religious togetherness so that it is difficult to create prosperity for the people, therefore it is necessary to have programs and activities carried out in the context of implementing and strengthening religious moderation as formulated in the five priority activities (KP) One of the technocratic RPJMN 2020-2024 is the development of economic and religious resources.This research is research aimed at analyzing religious moderation in the development of sharia economics as an effort to improve community welfare. This research is library research (library research), Data analysis techniques using the Milles and Huberman model include: (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing. Results Research Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that: Sharia economics is an economy that supports truth and justice and rejects all forms of economic behavior that are not good and evil, such as: usury, speculation, fraud, and uncertainty or lack of clarity (gharar). This is in line with the attitude of religious moderation which is a religious perspective, attitude and practice which is the embodiment of the essence of Islamic teachings where sharia economics has the characteristics of-characteristics of moderate Islam that differentiate sharia economics from capitalist and socialist economies include: tawassuth (taking the middle path), tawazun (balanced), i'tidal (straight and firm), tasamuh (tolerance), musawah (egalitarian), shura (deliberation), ishlah (reform), aulawiyah (putting priorities first), and tatawwar wa ibtikar (dynamic and innovative), by prioritizing fair, balanced principles to uphold human dignity as a national agreement and comply with the constitution in order to achieve the benefit and welfare of the people.</p> Mutmainah Mutmainah Moh. Mardi Al Azaz Farhami ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 7 1 451 461 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.516 Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Ketauhidan Pada Anak Usia Dini Melalui Kearifan Lokal <p>Indonesia is the largest country with a Muslim population. Therefore, instilling monotheism (tauhid) in young children, where they are the nation's next generation, is very important, especially at this time. The onslaught of liberal currents that continue to emerge is a very serious threat and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Kiyai Langgar in Teja Timur Village, Pamekasan District carries out activities to instill monotheism (tauhid) in early childhood and packages it using local wisdom, namely using regional languages, so that children not only learn monotheism (tauhid), but also learn regional languages that they do not learn in formal schools. This research was carried out using descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research show that this activity, which is carried out almost every day, is carried out using the listening-imitating method (sam’iyah syafahiyah) and collaborated with repeated learning (drill). Uniquely, this activity is contested every year to increase children's enthusiasm for learning</p> Latifatul Mahbubah Didin Burhanuddin Rabbani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 462 470 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.517 Knowledge Management as an Alternative for Developing Arabic Teaching Based on Religious Moderation: Implications for Islamic Boarding Schools in Madura <p>This was motivated by the launch of the religious moderation policy by the Minister of Religion Gus Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, as well as the implementation of the independent curriculum policy, the Merdeka campus, and the driving school by Nadiem Makarim (Minister of Education and Culture). Indonesia is experiencing significant development and dynamics of change. According to online news, and reference research from Google Scholar, and Scientific Direct, data on Islamic boarding school learning and education is very high. However, on the other hand, 80% of the education in Islamic boarding schools or non-formal institutions has decreased. This study aims to increase religious moderation in Madura Islamic boarding schools, in learning Arabic, the yellow book, and ta'limu' mutaallim culture with a knowledge management approach. Naturalization in this research is based on a qualitative descriptive case study in a Madura Islamic boarding school. This means that researchers are dealing directly (directly) with the research location, with the methods of interview, observation, and documentation. The subjects of this study consisted of clerics, ustadz, policymakers (community leaders), and students. For this reason, that research is more objective, credible, and reliable. The data analysis technique used is based on Miles and Huberman's research theory. Namely data display, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The analytical knife is strengthened by triangulation techniques, namely researchers in processing and analyzing data until they are saturated (perfect). The results of this study describe the concept of religious moderation that needs to be introduced and conveyed to the Madurese community, especially the santri. With a knowledge management approach (knowledge management), namely implementing mufradat and fasohah literature related to religious moderation. Among them, students are given insight, counseling guidance, and spiritual moderation (wasatiyah). The Ustadz are at the facility by participating in comparative studies, workshops, strengthening education quality management, and training in Arabic learning. on the one hand, so that students can accept religious tolerance and moderation. Because basically in Madura it is very close and closely related to problems of understanding, for example between NU and Muhammadiyah, therefore one alternative is language Arabic learning based on religious moderation which is strengthened by knowledge management in the world of Islamic boarding schools.</p> Mohammad Jailani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 471 483 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.518 Petik Laut: Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Nelayan Kranji Dalam Menjaga Moderasi Beragama <p>Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang budaya petik laut yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat nelayan desa kranji paciran lamongan yang sudah dilakukan selama puluhan tahun. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat tentang nilai moderasi beragama dalam implementasi tradisi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif yang disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan merupakan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah para nelayan desa kranji yang melaksanakan tradisi petik laut. Teknik Penggalian data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan Teknik observase, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan menggunakan analisis yang dikembangkan oleh Milles dan Hiberman dengan menggunakan analisis melalui 4 tahap, koleksi data, Reduksi data, Penyajian data dan Penarikan kesimpulan. Adapun Pengecakan keabsahan datanya menggunakan Teknik triangulasi sumber dan Teknik. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa tradisi petik laut nelayan masyarakat desa kranji adalah merupakan tradisi yang sudah berlangsung puluhan tahun dan terus dilestarikan sampai saat ini. Keberadaan tradisi ini merupakan bentuk syukur kepada pencipta yang telah memberikan rezeki melimpah dari hasil laut. Tradisi ini juga sebagai implementasi dari I’tiraful ‘urf yang merupakan salah satu dari nilai moderasi beragama.</p> Ahmad Masyhadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 484 494 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.519 Kepemimpinan Sebagai Agen Penguatan Moderasi Beragama di Lingkungan Masyarakat Multikultural <p>Islam is the majority religion in Indonesia which is dominated by two major Islamic organizations namely Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama'. The STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo campus as the object of this research is a miniature picture of Islam in Indonesia which is dominated by two groups Nu and Muhammadiyah which aims to foster harmony of diversity groups through a moderate leadership model. By applying the Grounded Theory method that focuses on developing theories from empirical data based on the results of observations, interviews and document analysis inductively about a person's behavior pattern. The results of this study provide an overview of moderate leaders who are not fanatic about one particular group even though it is their identity and the policies enacted are beneficial for the interests of each group. Thus the development of this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the role and model of leadership as an agent of strengthening religious moderation in various domains of multicultural society</p> Ulil Hidayah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 495 505 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.520 Nilai Kearifan Lokal Tari Boran Sebagai Upaya Membentuk Karakter Religius Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar <p>Subyek penelitian ini adalah dari tiap angkatan mahasiswa pendidikan guru sekolah dasar sebanyak lima puluh mahasiswa pada prodi pendidikan guru sekolah dasar yang dipilih berdasarkan latar belakang budaya, agama, adat istiadat, tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan sebuah teori terkait karakter religius dalam kearifan lokal daerah Lamongan dalam tari boran, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif menyajikan data primer dan sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi serta teknik analisis data melalui floe chart analisis model Milles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kearifan lokal pada tari boran ini memiliki nilai karakter religius yang kuat untuk dapat membentuk pribadi sesama mahasiswa ditingkat perguruan tinggi untuk saling menjaga, menghormati budaya, adat istiadat, agama yang ada di kabupaten Lamongan, kemudian ditemukan bahwa nilai karakter religius dalam tari boran ini cocok untuk calon pendidik dalam memberikan upaya untuk membina seluruh individu menjadi pribadi yang selalu mencintai agama dan melestarikan budaya setempat</p> Ari Susandi Teguh Hadi Wibowo Rizka Novi Irmaningrum Nurmashani Mustafidah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 506 515 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.521 Ngaji Literacy Values In Forming Education Moderation Digital Era At The Pesantren <p>The aim of this research is to find a model of literacy reading values in shaping the moderation of digital era education at the Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung. Using a qualitative approach with a case study type and a post-positivistic paradigm. The data collection technique is in-depth interviews. Participant observation and documentation. The data validity checking technique uses triangulation and data analysis uses three interactive models. It was found that the model of literacy recitation values at the Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung is patterned on the salaf as-shalih concept, namely al-muhaafadhatu alal-qadimiis-shalih wal-akhdu bil-jadiidil-ashlah, the substance of which is adaptive, innovative and competitive, meaning a new media for literacy recitation of the Koran. assessment-based perfecting the study method that is commonly used. Part of its adaptive and innovative nature is the use of applications such as offline and online Maktabah Syamilah in quickly searching for accurate sources in bahtsul masaail (study) activities in Islamic boarding schools, while the competition is the development of students' motivation in taking part in the study. kutubutturats and article writing competitions sourced from theal-Qur’an, Hadith and kutubutturats at national and international levels</p> Siti Aimah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 516 525 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.522 The Understanding Of Religious Moderation In Social Life Context <p>Indonesia is a pluralistic country with various races, ethnicities, and religions. Tolerance is one of the national glues within the framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Purwodadi Village is a village with unique religious moderation; there is only when 1 joint cemetery from various existing religions, and it does not recognize race, ethnicity, and religion. The results of interviews and observations show that the residents of Purwodadi Village are accustomed to carrying out social activities together so as to create a continous sense of security and the absence of social inequality. of course, this condition can be used as a role model for religious moderation in Indonesia for terms of social life.</p> Sinollah Sinollah Muhammad Romli Muar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 526 535 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.523 Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama Dalam Membentuk Kesalehan Sosial Siswa Di Sdn 4 Gelangkulon Sampung Ponorogo <p>Social piety is a concept where humans not only obey religious rituals, but can also practice religious teachings and benefit the social environment. One way to form social piety is through religious learning at school. Researchers are interested in researching the location of SDN 4 Gelangkulon because that location there is visible religious pluralism in it. This research aims to describe and explain the internalization of religious moderation values in forming social piety at SDN 4 Gelangkulon. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research using a case study method or approach involving Religious Students and Teachers in the Sodong Gelangkulon Sampung Ponorogo hamlet as research subjects. The results of the research show that internalizing the values of religious moderation through religious learning can contribute and prove effective in forming students' social piety because religious learning contains the values of religious moderation which include justice, tolerance, non-violence, harmony, and mutual help.</p> Duwi Habsari Mutamimah Akbar Aisya Billah Okta Maya Fitri Asis Sustiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 536 544 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.524 Opportunities And Challenges Of Mainstreaming Religious Moderation At Public College In Indonesia <p>This research aims to discuss the opportunities and challenges of mainstreaming religious moderation in public universities in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach, and data processing uses descriptive-analytical methods. The results and discussion of this research show that there are several opportunities and challenges in efforts to mainstream religious moderation in public universities in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java, which has varied diversity. Public universities are a model of true Indonesia, meaning that diversity in religion has been created within them, so it is necessary to mainstream religious moderation so that relations between community members, both internal and external, can be well maintained. It is also hoped that the creation of a mutualistic symbiosis between religious communities can be pursued and maintained to strengthen the meaning of diversity. An important effort in mainstreaming religious moderation in public universities is to apply the values of religious moderation in a comprehensive, systematic and constructive manner.</p> Mochammad Rizal Ramadhan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 545 550 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.525 Dampak Tradisi Ritual Adat Seblang Terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat di Desa Olehsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi <p>The Seblang traditional ritual held in the Olehsari village is a tradition that has been carried out for generations by the people of the Olehsari village. This ritual is held every year to clean the village and repel reinforcements that require offerings of agricultural and plantation products. The aim of the research is to find out whether Seblang traditional rituals can influence the economic income of the Olehsari village community? This research method is descriptive qualitative and the results of this research are that seblang dancers must be descendants of previous dancers. The discussion is that the seblang ritual process begins with a charmer who is also a local traditional figure who places a special crown called omprog on the seblang dancer. In conclusion, the Seblang traditional ritual is the culture of the Sari community which believes that the word SEBLANG is a combination of the words SEBELE ILANG.</p> Lilit Biati Mamlukhah Mamlukhah Ribut Suprapto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 551 558 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.526 Pembentukan Harmoni Sosial Melalui Implementasi Moderasi Beragama <p>This research aims to understand how important religious moderation is in the surrounding environment. The method used in this research is normative juridical or uses descriptive methods by collecting data sources based on previous research carried out through books, e-books, and journals. Religious moderation is crucial, especially in a multicultural environment like Indonesia. Religious moderation creates a harmonious, peaceful and hormonal religious life from the surrounding environment to the nation.</p> Fathurrohman Fathurrohman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 559 564 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.527 Integrasi Kemaritiman dan Moderasi Agama dalam Materi Ajar Bahasa Arab Berbasis Literasi Digital <p>Teaching material is the most important part of learning Arabic. It is not just the content of the material but contains maritime values and religious moderation based on digital literacy. Madrasah Aliyah Country 1 Banyuwangi integrates and internalizes these values in order to foster students' cognitive, affective and psychomotor attitudes in the Merdeka curriculum. The aim of this research is to examine policies and describe the Arabic language learning process that integrates maritime values and religious moderation . The research method used is descriptive qualitative case study type. Based on the findings, maritime integration is due to Banyuwangi having good natural potential such as themes related to the beach, and local culture and the integration of religious moderation such as tolerance and harmony. In its application to digital literacy, students use cellphones in learning Arabic, such as improving their ability to read, compile and write information, apart from that, mastering mufradat can be done through various information, increasing focus or concentration and improving the verbal abilities of each individual student</p> Ilham Nur Kholiq Mahbub Mahbub ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 565 570 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.528 Strategi Penanaman Nilai Moderasi Beragama Kepada Siswa Di Lingkungan Pesantren <p>This research aims to describe the strategies used by Islamic boarding school managers or educators in instilling the values of religious moderation in students in the Islamic boarding school environment, the obstacles in instilling the values of religious moderation, and the efforts made by Islamic boarding schools to overcome these obstacles. The objects of this research are SMP MBS Al-Amin Bojonegoro.<br>This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach using interview, observation and documentation methods. The data source is primary data sourced from kiai, coaches, teachers and students. Meanwhile, secondary data is taken from documents related to the research.<br>The results of this research are 1) Instilling the values of religious moderation is implemented through strategies, namely; first, the madrassy/formal class method, in the form of classroom education that follows the national education system. Second, the halaqah method. The halaqah recitation is delivered by the kiai/ustadz after every sunset and dawn at the mosque by studying the yellow book. Third, extracurricular arts activities which will be presented at the end of the year. Fourth, hidden curriculum, namely everything that influences students related to positive behavior. 2) Obstacles in instilling the values of religious moderation among others; limited time, low student enthusiasm in activities, and students' lack of understanding of the importance of religious moderation. 3) Efforts made by Islamic boarding schools to overcome obstacles include specifically scheduling religious moderation lessons, requiring the participation of students in activities, and presenting applicable activities about the importance of the values of religious moderation</p> Ibnu Habibi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 571 586 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.529 Pendidikan Kitab Kuning: Jalan Menuju Karakter Moderat dan Menghadang Radikalisme <p>Studying the yellow books is the key to counteracting radicalism and shaping a moderate character in Islamic religious education. Using a qualitative integrative review approach, the author integrates and summarizes the education of the yellow books with a moderate attitude to ultimately counteract radicalism. The yellow books contain profound principles of Islam, allowing a strong understanding of the true and authentic teachings of Islam, preventing radical interpretations. Learning the yellow books also opens the door to diverse thinking, promoting tolerance, and fostering good ethics in daily life. The importance of understanding the yellow books in addressing radicalism and extremism also impacts scholars and religious leaders who promote peace and moderation. Additionally, the study of the yellow books assists the younger generation in facing contemporary issues. However, if the yellow books are not preserved, there is a risk of losing the valuable intellectual heritage of Islam, intellectual skills, declining interfaith dialogue capabilities, cultural identity loss, religious education regression, and an inability to confront contemporary challenges</p> Miftachul Taubah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 587 596 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.530 Religious Moderation in Islamic Boarding Schools: Prof. KH Yudian Wahyudi's Pancasila Ideology Thought to Oversee Religious Moderation in Islamic Boarding Schools <p>Religious moderation has several pillars that must be understood and studied by those living in Indonesia. In religious moderation, indicators as a determinant of loving the homeland or NKRI are set in stone, one of which is believing and believing in Pancasila as the basis of the country which has been upheld with various values contained which are very meaningful. With the ideology of Pancasila, which is an indicator of religious moderation, it is hoped that Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia will be able to become one of the best implementing agents and be able to harmonize the teachings and values of this ideology with the students. Because the education system in Islamic boarding schools produces students who are committed to their religious teachings which put religion as the soul and preaching as a way of controlling the soul. Therefore, Islamic boarding schools are expected to be able to adopt an intolerant attitude towards religious commitments and perspectives on life in a country, especially Indonesia, which consists of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila.<br>KH Yudian Wahyudi has a very important point of view in grounding the values of Pancasila, diversity, tolerance, democracy, justice, nationality, love for the motherland, and love for peace. And through Islamic boarding school education that upholds religion and faith, it is hoped that it can become one of the agents who live by the values of Pancasila as a national ideology that has philosophical values about divinity, justice and respect for fellow human beings to be a good starting point to be implemented as best as possible in the scope of Islamic boarding schools specifically to oversee religious moderation. So that religious moderation can be maintained properly in accordance with Pancasila which is the basis of the Republic of Indonesia.</p> Iflahathul Chasanah Intan Dewi Mawardini Azmi Mustaqim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 597 608 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.531 Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama Melalui Layanan Khusus dan Program Pendidikan untuk Peserta Didik di Sekolah Alam Saka Kediri <p>This research explores the process of internalizing the values of religious moderation through special services and educational programs for students at Sekolah Alam SAKA Kediri. The research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and analysis of related documents. The research focuses on the process of implementing special service programs. The research results show that the Sekolah Alam SAKA Kediri has developed a unique service program for students to actively understand and practice the values of religious moderation through special services such as laboratory services, catering, UKS, and library. Apart from developing students' talents and interests, the educational program also focuses on opportunities to discover new experiences and environments, such as entrepreneurship-based programs, namely SAKA Business Day and Shopping Day. Meanwhile, to support students in developing communication and social skills by involving students as zakat recipients and carrying out internship activities. Apart from that, focusing on the morning activity program and the concept of talent-friendly and inclusive education also positively impacts creating a school environment that is responsive and anti-bullying.</p> Lailatul Rahma ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 609 618 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.532 Pengembangan Kebijakan Pariwisata Religi Berbasis Moderasi Agama <p>The development of a religious tourism policy based on religious moderation in Banyuwangi Regency aims to analyze the application of religious tourism indicators as an effort to increase the quantity and quality of domestic and foreign tourist visits while maintaining religious moderation. The research method uses a qualitative approach with expert respondents from Bappeda, the Culture and Tourism Service, and the Banyuwangi Regency Tourism Awareness Group. The analysis technique uses Analytic Network Process (ANP). The research results show that the synthetic priority of developing a religious tourism policy based on religious moderation in Banyuwangi Regency on the criteria of tourist objects and attractions is 0.16 with a Kendall W concordance coefficient (rater agreement) with a high value. Visitors to religious tourism destinations who have diverse religious backgrounds and beliefs have various purposes for visiting these tourism destinations, apart from being a way to get closer to the Creator and the aim of fulfilling their life's desires. The synergy between the government, tourism managers and the community in promoting and preserving religious tourism must continue to be maintained in a sustainable manner without any conflict between beliefs.</p> Nur Anim Jauhariyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 619 628 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.533 Dynamic Equilibrium Masyarakat Lintas Agama di Jawa dan Bali <p>Ethnic groups, languages, religions and beliefs are something risky to discuss since a long time of periods. The plurality and tolerance also shows difference level among countries. Religious moderation as a legal model of social integration in Indonesia has been published since 2019. this study aims to deeply reveal the best practices of dynamics social integration that occured in Indonesia especially in Kediri and Bali. This research was conducted using a qualitative method, using a multisite study approach. Data was collected by using observation and interview methods and using relevant documents sources. The result of this study shows that when the local government does not interfere towards their social life so much, the interfaith relations has positive reversible at equal rate. The result also shows that the community itself is able to unite and build social harmony as well as when it was bridged by the local government as in other cities.</p> Binti Su’aidah Hanur Ike Rahayu Margi Lestari Binti Supriati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 629 638 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.534 Sikap Toleransi Beragama pada Generasi Milenial di Desa Tlogopatut Kecamatan Kebomas Kabupaten Gresik <p>Tolerance in inter-religious relations, which is based on each religion, is the responsibility of the believers themselves. Worship (ritual) is a form of worship that has an accepted system and method, and everyone who adheres to it must follow it. Tlogopatut Village is located in Kebomas, Gresik. Here there are several houses of worship and six religions: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. This village is considered a community of religious moderation because the people get along well and have never been involved in conflict. The purpose of this study is to determine the attitude of religious tolerance shown by the millennial generation as adherents of other religions and interfaith cooperation in the millennial generation. The focus of this qualitative research is the millennial generation in Tlogopatut Village. Researchers used interview and observation instruments. The results showed that millennial teenagers show three attitudes, namely mutual acceptance, mutual respect, and mutual appreciation, in life between religious believers and also continue to treat their friends well even though they are of different religions.</p> Muhimmatul Hasanah Ahmad Iwan Zunaih Musbikhin Musbikhin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 639 647 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.535 Optimizing Religious Moderation Awareness Through Public Relations Campaign Approach <p>Religious moderation in the student environment is an urgent need because there are still a number of students who show intolerant behavior. Findings from research conducted by the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) at the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta show that around 30.16 percent of students in Indonesia show intolerant attitudes. Sirojudin, a researcher from PPIM, stated that around one in three students shows symptoms of intolerance(Purnamasari, 2021). Likewise, approaching the 2024 Political Year, it is important to have social media etiquette, with the aim of preventing extreme polarization due to differences in opinion and political preferences becoming increasingly important.The threat of polarization is increasing due to hoax content, disinformation and even slander that can be spread by netizens without accountability. The public is reminded to avoid black campaigns and not spread false information both in the real world and in cyberspace, because this can divide society and threaten harmony among citizens. This article focuses on religious moderation using a Public Relations approach by making students as agents of change. Millennials are more appropriate for campaigning because it suits their group and makes use of social media. Apart from that, students act as Social Control who act as intermediaries between the government and society. The focus of this research is at the Probolinggo Muhammadiyah Islamic High School as a multicultural campus, the majority of students are NU with the aim of inviting the academic community and students to have a moderate attitude. The paradigm used in this research is post-positivistic. Qualitative approach with field research type with case study method. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the success of the Public Relations campaign planning stages carried out by students in supporting the religious moderation campaign and whether the campaign is effective in forming attitudes of religious moderation.</p> Khoiriyah Khoiriyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 648 662 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.536 Harmonizing Religious Values, Local Culture, and Productive Zakat in Improving The Economic Welfare of Msmes at The Tebuireng Boarding Social Institution (LSPT) Jombang <p><em>The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of religious principles, local culture, and productive zakat programs on the economic well-being of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Jombang. The research method entails an examination of religious principles, local culture, and field case studies. According to the findings of the study, the incorporation of religious principles offers a strong ethical foundation for MSMEs in Jombang, resulting in honest, fair, and responsible business operations. LSPT Jombang's productive zakat program, particularly the Dhuafa Mandiri program, offers mustahik with business financing and training, enhancing their economic independence. Local culture inspires MSME products, resulting in a strong local character. According to the findings of this study, the integration of religious principles, local culture, and productive zakat programs has a considerable positive impact on the economic well-being of MSMEs in Jombang. It is envisaged that by continuing to strengthen this integration and overcoming the problems that arise, MSMEs in this region will be able to thrive and make significant contributions to the local economy and community.</em></p> Arif Zunaidi Robiatul Adawiyah Fachrial Lailatul Maghfiroh Al Zamzami Bahrur Rizqi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 7 1 663 673 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.537 The Impact of Enhancing Religious Moderation on the Economic Development of the Modongan Village in the Mojokerto Regency <p>The objective of this study is to examine the promotion of religious moderation and its relationship with socioeconomic advancement. The current study utilized a qualitative research methodology, specifically employing a case study design. The current investigation was conducted in the Modongan Village of the Mojokerto Regency. The incumbent occupies the role of Chief of Villages and Religious Leaders in the Modongan Village. The data collection methods utilized in this study included several techniques such as observation, interviews, recording, and focus group discussions (FGDs). The study's findings indicate that the endeavors to improve and enforce religious moderation in Modongan Village have achieved success up to this point. The community, religious leaders, and the Village Government have cooperated to ensure a balanced and fair implementation of values and teachings. The principles of their respective religions. The economic facilities and infrastructure in the Modongan Village are currently limited in both their size and ability. To address the dependence of a substantial percentage of the population on the agriculture sector for their livelihoods, the Village Government, Community/Religious Leaders, and the local community have started protecting agricultural land in the Modongan Village. The goal is to improve the quality of life for the population by following applicable laws and regulations, and by promoting environmental sustainability.</p> Muhammad Mujtaba Mitra Zuana Muhammad Baiqun Isbahi Mohamad Toha ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 1 674 680 10.36835/ancoms.v7i1.539